Because acupuncture treats the whole body, it can affect the underlying causes of illness or pain as well as alleviate symptoms. This holistic approach enhances physical well-being, balances emotional states, and reduces stress. Acupuncture can be used alone or in combination with other medical systems.
Acupuncture can also help with preventive care and seasonal "tune-ups".
A "consensus development panel" convened by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) in 1997, after evaluating 17 scientific presentations that
summarized hundreds of studies, found that acupuncture may help relieve
pain after surgery and dental work, may lessen nausea cause by
chemotherapy, and my help keep morning sickness at bay. The panel also
noted "suggestive" evidence that acupuncture may help in stroke
rehabilitation and in fighting drug and alcohol addiction, headache,
menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, general muscle pain, osteoarthritis,
lower-back pain, carpal-tunnel syndrome, and asthma. *
Jill Gottfried, M.Ac, Lic.Ac
Falmouth, MA (My email hyper-link is disabled due to a huge infllux of spam. I apologize for any inconvenience and I look forward to hearing from you) 508-274-8795